0:30 Map 1 (Central Region): running 48:19 minutes from end to end! 49:09 Map 2 (Eastern Region): running 29:19 minutes from end to end! How big are the maps in Death Stranding? There are three maps/regions in the game: The Eastern Region, The Central Region and the Western Region. In this video I will run […]
Tag: death stranding map size
Death Stranding – Walk Across the Map (Map 2)
Map Size: 1:37:09 minutes from end to end! How big is the map in Death Stranding? There are three maps/regions in the game: The Eastern Region, The Central Region and the Western Region. In this video I will walk across the entire Central Region. In the previous video I walked across the Eastern Region ( […]
Death Stranding – Walk Across the Map (Map 1)
Map Size: 53:32 minutes from end to end! How big is the map in Death Stranding? There are three maps/regions in the game: The Eastern Region, The Central Region and the Western Region. In this video I will walk across the entire Eastern Region. In the next video I will walk across the Central Region. […]