In the previous video we walked across all the areas of The Sims 4. Now it’s time to walk across all areas in the expansion packs.
The graphics are amazing and there’s a lot to see. Here are some highlights: 12:55 swimming in a pool. 17:00 view of the sea. 17:55 ruins. 20:22 skating on ice. 20:40 making a snow angel. 27:25 snow in the city. 29:50 view of the bridge. 31:15 Sims are protesting. 32:50 living statue. 37:20 playing guitar. 42:00 little cat. 42:30 view of the lake at night. 44:25 dog. 50:50 lighthouse. 51:00 little harbour. 1:00:05 vampire!
0:25 Get to Work – Magnolia Promenade
3:40 Get Together – Windenburg
27:05 City Living – San Myshuno
39:50 Cats & Dogs – Brindleton Bay
53:45 Get Famous – Del Sol Valley
59:40 Vampires – Forgotten Hollow
(release date: september 2014)