Lineage II – Run Across the Map

Map Size: running 2:08:00 minutes from end to end!

How Big is the Map in Lineage 2? I prefer to walk across the map to find out how big it is, but you can’t walk in the game. So I’m going to run from end to end. It’s an MMORPG so it’s full of weird monsters, I hope I will survive this. Ok, I will die twice so I have to cut and edit in this video. If I could walk the whole way I think it would take like 5 or 6 hours. We can tell that this map is pretty big! Lineage II is another open world game with its own unique atmosphere. I enjoyed this journey, If you read this description then please tell me in a comment below, I want to know if I write all these descriptions for nothing 🙂

(release date: october 2003)

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