Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning – Walk Across the Maps

How big is the map in Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning? Let’s walk across the map to find out. Well, it’s not one map, the game world consists of more maps and a lot of indoor locations. I show the outdoor open world maps in this game. This is the remastered version of the original game called Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning.

0:00 intro

0:58 Map: Dalentarth

17:40 Map: Plains of Erathell

(38:02 Map: Rathir)

40:06 Map: Alabastra

1:06:17 Map: Detyre

1:19:15 Map: Klurikon

Map size:

Dalentarth: 16.42

Plains of Erathell: 20.22

Alabastra: 26.11

Detyre: 12.58

Klurikon: 17.10

(release date: february 2012, Re-Reckoning: september 2020)

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