Hardland – Walk Across the Map

Map Size: 32:35 minutes from end to end!

How Big is Hardland? Let’s walk across this map from end to end and experience the unique atmosphere in this world! Hardland has got colorful graphics and walking in this world is like walking in a fairy tale. We start at night at this weird house next to the graveyard. We walk to a village with nice charming houses while the sun’s coming up (3:37). And we also enjoy a fresh walk through nature (13:35). It all looks peaceful, but it ain’t! It’s hard to stay alive here! There’s danger everywhere! Like this wolf that almost bite me to death! (6:57), those beautiful red lights under the trees that really are deadly mines (12:42), a cemetary with zombies (16:05) and a maniac that’s trying to shoot me when I’m almost at the finish (30:50)! Fortunately, there are some good persons in this game too like the villagers and that sweet little fox at 27:20. In this video we walk from the West to the East. In the next video we will run across this map from the South to the North.

(release date: 2017, early access)

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