Fairy Tales: Three Heroes – Run Across all Maps

How big are the maps in Fairy Tales: Three Heroes?? Let’s run across all maps to find out. You can’t walk in this game. There are 10 maps in this Russian game. It takes approximately 2 minutes to run across a map in this game.

0:00​ intro

0:19​ Map 1

2:00​ Map 2

3:39​ Map 3

5:35​ Map 4

7:27​ Map 5

8:46​ Map 6

11:49​ Map 7

13:13​ Map 8

15:30​ Map 9

17:12​ Map 10

(release date: september 2015)

https://twitter.com/HowBigIsTheMap​​MINDER WEERGEVEN

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