Drakensang – Walk Across the Maps

How big are the maps in the RPG game Drakensang: The Dark Eye (Drakensang: Das Schwarze Auge)? Let’s find out by walking across all the areas.

0:42 Avestreu (9 min)
10:22 Ferdok: Praiosplatz (5 min)
15:22 Ferdok: Ugdan Hafen (4 min)
19:56 Ferdok: Fuhrmannsheim (3 min)
23:13 Ferdok: Grafenstadt (5 min)
28:15 Arndos Anwesen (2 min)
30:14 Blutberge (8 min)
39:00 Tallon (24 min)
1:04:22 Murolosch Kerker (3 min)

(release date: august 2008)

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