Dark and Light – Sprint Across the Map (+ Vulcano Island)

Map Size: sprinting 45:40 minutes from end to end!

How big is the map in Dark and Light? Let’s find out by sprinting across the map. This map is called The Sacred Path. There’s also another map called Ganareth’s Shard. Soon I’ll run across that map as well. There’s no map in the game. When you die you see a map and the place where you died. You can play the game in singleplayer mode too. In this video I also sprint across the vulcano island in the east. This island is difficult to access because of all the high rocks and all the lava. So it’s hard for me to sprint in a straight line. That’s why it takes way too long to reach the final southeast point of the map 🙂

(release date: july 2017, still in early access)

How Big is the Map on Twitter: https://twitter.com/HowBigIsTheMap

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