Map Size: 1:09:00 minutes from end to end!
How Big is Conan Exiles? Let’s walk across the map of another survival game! It’s hard for a HowBigistheMapper to walk across the map of these types of games. I need to eat, drink and craft things and if I don’t, then I die. I hate crafting things. Just give me a pair of shoes and a AK47 and then I’m happy. But there are no guns in this game. Still I want to hug the developers of Conan Exiles!! I am very grateful to them for bringing back the God Mode!! So even though I’m starving after half an hour I still can walk to the end of the map! And what about all these creatures that want to kill me? I laugh at them and just keep walking. Well, I had to kill that lady though at 7:36, I’m sorry about all the blood but I think they already got used to all this blood and violence in the land of Conan. It’s full of aggressive creatures and I met them all on my journey! Last thing I have to say is that it was hard to walk in a straight line. Just like in Metal Gear Solid V and a lot of other games the mountains forced me to walk the long way. In the next video I will run fast so I’ll be at the end of the map before I’ll get hungry!
(release date: early access, 2017)