Assassin’s Creed: Origins – Run Across the Map

Map Size: running 48:12 minutes from end to end!

How Big is Assassin’s Creed: Origins? I already walked across this map twice. Time to run now. And man, what a journey! Here are some highlights in this video: 4:44 (inside a building while the sun shines outside), 9:00 (swimming into a fishing net), 9:33 (jump from a mast of a ship and dive), 12:42 (a lot of tents), 15:32 (sunset in the rocky desert), 22:33 (being at the highest mountain top on the map!), 23:03 (a cave with people), 25:40 (beautiful view of the lake at night), 26:40 (city at night), 40:40 (or is this the highest mountain on the map?), 43:05 (hallucination), 43:40 (woman in desert: another hallucination), 44:25 (water sounds in the desert: hallucination), 44:50 (is it an oasis or a mirage?)

(release date: october 2017)

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